Friday, January 29, 2010

The lining

I went in to be checked on Wednesday and my blood work looked good and the ultrasound showed that my lining measured a .6. It needs to be .8 or even .9. I'm still taking the estrace twice a day orally and they have added two tabs vaginally. It really make me feel nausea and woozy. I will go back to the Dr on this Wednesday to be rechecked and will post again then.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy 2010

I went to the Dr this morning for bloodwrok and ultrasound. Janet called this afternoon with results of those and they were all good. The FSH was 12.1 and the Estrogen was 47 and the ultrasound looked good. I started a med today called Estrace which I take twice daily. I will start the Letrozole med a little later. On the 27th of January they will measure the endometrium lining and possible transfer on the 2nd of February, if all goes well.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dr Visit

David and I met with Dr Allemand on the 28th of December. He said that he and the other Drs in the practice reviewed our chart and that it didn't even look like the same couple compared to the first round that we did. The first round was great and we did have the chemical pregnancy, with the second round the blastocast were not as high grade and I didn't have any to freeze the second time. He said he couldn't explain why since we really didn't change anything other than adding the Letrezole med and that shouldn't have changed anything. We do have one that is frozen. We can start the process to use the frozen in about two weeks. So maybe we will have a pop-sickle baby. If the frozen does not work Dr Allemand would like for us to try one more time. We'll have to see, taking one day at a time.