Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stim meds

On November 22, I started my stimulation medication which is 150 IU Follisim and 75 IU Menopur. On the 24Th, I added Letrozole and the 25Th I added Ganirelix. We had an office visit yesterday for bloodwork and ultrasound. They measured my four largest follicles on each side, there were two ready on each side. The tech said I would probably take my meds one more night and come back the next morning depending on what my blood work showed. After looking at my blood work results they were concerned with my estrogen level, that is was to low. The nurse said, I may not be able to continue with the IVF at this time, that we could still do an IUI. I told her that I was taking Letrezole and it could lower my estrogen. She told me she would see what my blood work showed today. I have prayed and prayed about this. I have come way to far to start over, this is suppose to be my last time of the shots. I wanted to keep going!!
Today, David and I were up again at 5:00 heading to Birmingham. After blood work we went back for the ultrasound. The nurse said, that Dr Honea left a note on my chart that we would proceed with the IVF. What an answered prayer. The tech took the measurements of the follicles and everything looked real good. We started our antibiotic today and will have the HCG shot at 10:45 tonight. We will go to Birmingham on Tuesday for egg retrieval. So, that is where we are. I will update after the retrieval. Thanks for the prayers and encouraging words.

1 comment:

JoJo said...

Been thinking about you. Good luck next week!