Friday, September 18, 2009

The Results are in......

Janet called with our results, the beta number needs to be greater than 20 to be positive and if it is less than 5 it is negative. On Wednesday, I was at 9.8 and today I was 7.5. She told me to discontinue the meds tonight since the number was going down. The Dr will call next week. I think there will be a small break to let my body rest but not sure until we speak to the Dr. We do have another opportunity to try the IVF again so that's good. I so know that God is in control and if it is His will it will happen, if not He will have something else in store.

I wanted to thank everyone for the prayers, thoughts, phone calls, emails and text messages. The love that was shown has been amazing. I am so thankful to have family and friends that love us so much. I couldn't have made it without the prayers, they were definitely felt. I know I may share more than some of you may want to know but I felt at one time that I was the only person who couldn't get pregnant. A few years ago a friend at church shared with me that she to had tried and tried. That was such a comfort to me not that she couldn't but to know I wasn't alone. Gradually there became more and more women that I met that had the same trouble. So, anyway, that's why I speak so openly of our journey. I hope it can help, encourage or touch someone.

I will update next week some time after talking to the Dr.

With love,

1 comment:

JoJo said...

Heather, I admire you for being so open and I do believe your journey will touch someone. You've encouraged me over the past few months for sure!!! Joyce